Lose Fat, Gain Lean Muscle and Feel Good

Come join the TFW Nor Cal Family and jumpstart your fitness program now.

TFW is a fitness system designed to train elite Mixed Martial Athletes for competitions like the UFC. TFW is now available in over 30 countries and 200 locations world wide, for anyone looking to lose fat, gain lean muscle and feel better about themselves. From weekend warriors to busy professionals to stay-at home moms and people who have never exercised before are now having fun and getting results with the TFW program.

What separates the TFW system from other systems is a holistic approach to training. Detailed warm-ups, speed training, strength training, endurance training, flexibility work and nutrition are based on a comprehensive evaluation process. However, the jewel of the program lies in its ability to motivate you to exercise.

If you are tired of spending hours in the gym getting no results or are unsure of how to properly perform safe and effective exercise movements then this program is for you.

Our fitness coaches are certified in the TFW system and trained to safely and effectively deliver this amazing program to you.

We are starting our 2016 eight week Transformation Challenge soon. This is our introductory class and is a great way to experience the TFW program. Space is limited.

Learn more.

We are not a gym. We are a Fitness Dojo.

Here at TFW Nor Cal we don't consider ourselves a typical "gym". We are a Fitness Dojo. The word "Dojo" is the Japanese for "Place of Enlightenment."

Any gym can have equipment and offer workouts. What makes the TFW system truly unique from other training programs is its culture. At TFW Nor Cal you will get the chance to challenge yourself both physically and mentally in a safe, supportive and healthy environment.

We promise that we won't make exercise "scary" and we aren't "hard core". Although, those that need that can still find that here. TFW is not designed as a sport or competition, but focuses on your personal development. The only competition you will have is with your self – to better your body, mind and spirit. So come down and join our TFW Family today!